Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Staff Profile: Wilbert Lewis

Wilbert Lewis was hired on to Juniper Hill Golf Course in September of 2007. Many of you might know Wilbert from his days with Frankfort's Street Department, which he retired from and is still talked about from his former co-workers. Wilbert's primary duty at the golf course is mowing rough. He is on the tractor 5 days a week trying to keep the rough mowed down so all the golfers can find their ball easier. Even at his age, Wilbert is one of the hardest workers on the crew. When he's not mowing rough, he will step in and help with anything asked of him in order help maintain the golf course, from helping work on equipment to weed eating. You couldn't ask fora better worker as he is a vital addition to the staff, is very dependable and can be counted on to get a job done.

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