Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 Begins a New Year!!

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays with family and safe travels for all. The crew and I took the last 2 weeks off to spend time with family, take a break from a struggling summer, and to reflect on what was and what the new year will bring. This is the time of year where we can slow things down, really look at what needs to be done to improve the conditions of the course for the next summer. Due to all the snow and rain we got during December, we were not able to get some of the drain lines and irrigation lines in like I wanted to, but we still have 2 more months before we really start moving into warmer weather. I hope everyone understood the struggles that not only Juniper Hill, but all the courses went through this past summer.

I'm looking forward to this year with the new equipment that we purchased this past winter. We got 2 new fully electric greens mowers, which will take away all hydraulics off the greens. We will take the old greens mowers and put them onto our tees, collars, and approaches, giving us better equipment to mow those areas with. We also purchased a greens roller that will help in smoothing the greens and taking less wear and tear off of the greens mowers. Also purchased were new fully electric utility vehicles that will reduce noise on the course and gas consumption. A new fairway mower that has electric reel motors that will reduce the hydraulics on the mower.

I hope everyone is as excited as I am about the upcoming season and pray that the weather will be a lot better for us. Again... Happy New Year!!!

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