Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Staff Profile: Adam Curry

Born and raised in the City of Frankfort, Adam Curry has been with Juniper Hill Golf Course since August of 2003. He started out repairing the irrigation system, doing nightly watering cycles, and and filling in where needed. When I started in Feburary of 2008, Adam and I immediately began a great working realtionship and both had the same vision for Juniper Hill Golf Course. During the summer of 2009 Adam was given the title of Irrigaiton Technician even though it has become his baby since day one. With working on the irrigation system being a full time job, Adam wanted to learn more, so we squeezed in time to help him learn how to operate every piece of equipment we had and he has excelled at every turn. And during all of this (2003-2009), working a night time job. This proved to me how devoted Adam was to this golf course. In the spring of 2010, thru hard work and a passion for his job, Adam was given full time status thru teh City of Frankfort and I promoted him to Assistant Superintendent. Since then Adam has begun learning how to maintain the turf, learning all facets of the chemical side of golf course maintenance, and how to manage a crew. As I look at it, Adam will only keep succeding and is the greatest asset to Juniper Hill Golf Course.

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